Empowering workload automation
Automate processes, schedule tasks, create knowledge and eliminate errors. Discover how Situate can build a culture that embraces automation.
Workload automation by a powerful workflow engine.
No coding required. Low-code available.
Real-time visibility into all automated jobs.
Automation jobs are self-describing for accurate documentation.
Easy to get started - most companies can be running Situate in 20 minutes or less.
Turn those pesky infrastructure and operational tasks into fully automated
Most environments today have a mixed set of platforms. Situate Automation supports such platforms as Linux, Windows and OS-X.
Workflows are initated and driven by all types of events: time, email, file, manual and even other workflows.
Out-of-the-Box tasks that perform common operations that make it simple to quickly build workflows to solve problems. Just drag-n-drop and go!
More than just software - bringing all our experience to offer the best training and custom development to meet the business needs.
Builds a culture that embraces change, which includes helping users to automate tasks that are repetive and menial.